Monday 7 February 2011

Costume and Props


For my photo shoot, i will be using several models and i want my models to match the genre of my magazine as much as possible. The genre i am aiming to meet is Indie, therefore, i would like my models to appear as indie as possible. I also want to use models who are part of my target audience making the magazine cover look less fake and more like a genuine indie magazine. The clothing i would like my models to use will be from shops such as Topman, Burtons, officers Club etc.

will then have my models wearing clothes which are usually viewed as being fiarly indie style clothing, for example, skinny jeans, cardigans, ripped jeans, checkered shirts, hats etc. 

This is a good example of some indie clothing. skinny jeans with a stylish, black belt also with a wrist accessory, usually a bracelet or a selection of several bracelets. The smart style shoes are also associated with being indie if they are not being used for formal events. Indie are also known for having rather abstract clothing or a pattern you would not expect. For example, the hoodies above.

This is the type of checkered shirt i'd liike my front cover modle to be wearing, it is a tight fitting, colourful indie styled checkered shirt. This would make my modle represent an indie artist but also maker them look smart, showing the audience the artist is a smart person and likes to look good, following my target audience. This will make my target audience (hopefully) see this type of clothing on the cover of the magazine and see it is a magazine which will appeal to them.

On the toher hand, i would the band i am featuring in the DPS to be wearing more causla indie clothing. For exmaple, skinny jeans with tears in them, hoodies or cardigans etc. This is because they are more laid back and mixed with the props, will be having fun and having a laugh. This will show the audience they are fun people to be around which will then lead to suggest that their music is also fun and worth checking out.



I would not be using many props in my photot shot for the front cover, however i would like to use some and the props i would be using would be mainly instrumental things, such as an acoustic guitar, microphone etc.
This is because it further promotes the artist's talent and will appeal to a large audience. In particular, people who play or like listening to acoustic songs, would see this and it would appeal to them moreover anyone else. Acoustic guitar is usually soft and a 'Beautiful' piece of music so it would connote the artist as also being a soft easy person creating beautiful music.
 For the other shoots, with the artists in the DPS and Contents page, i will be more keen to use props. For the DPS, i would to feature a band and i would like to give the members some sort of toy (possible a fairy wand or childish headbands) to make the band appear as fun people who are willing to have some fun.

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